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Game info: Only Seven Days

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Description: Only Seven Days new free online action shooting tank games. If you are looking online for the new and best tank games, to play and have some fun, then here on we got the perfect challenge for you.It is called Only Seven Days game. The game is Sponsored by nickelodeon and developed by Demonte Maximiliano and its a vehicle base shooter game where you are the driver of a special tank.Your mission is to prevent all the enemies forces that are carrying virus cargoes,they are trying to reach the boarder and release the virus upon the population. When playing Only Seven Days games you will steer your tank with your mouse,and press P for pause and SPACE to go to the shop for upgrades, to buy guns and other things.
Tags: tag1 player tagnew games tagfree games tagonline game tagflash tagshooting tagaction tagadventure tagcash tagcollect tagdriving tagonly seven days game tagonly seven days hacked tagtank tagupgrades tagwar tagweapon tagshoot tagmoney taggold tagupgrades tagguns

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