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Game info: Motor Destruction

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What Is Motor Destruction?
A brand new game can be found on our website, The game is named "Motor Destruction." Despite the difficulties of managing complex and heavy impediments, such as automotive crashes, the ultimate objective of winning the 3D race makes it desirable to work through these problems.
To acquire the finances necessary for a brand-new sports car, you should go on trekking trails you are unfamiliar with. Throughout the course of the race, it was essential to make it past the checkpoint. Putting gasoline canisters together as first aid kits makes it easier to do vehicle repairs without diverting from the circuit while on the go.
One may collect the extra goods by obtaining them from the boxes placed along the path nearby. It is very difficult to avoid collisions, which is a job that must be accomplished to survive. My best wishes for success and pleasure to you! Returning for more cars and fun online truck games unblocked here on BrightyGames!🛣️🌄

Updated On          18.06.2024
Date Added           Chicago Time: 25 February 2016 00:59

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Check the video instructions and YouTube gameplay of the Motor Destruction here on

Tags: tagcars tagdriving tagstunts tagability tagsimulator tagspeed tagfun tagfree tagboys tagwebgl tagmotor destruction unblocked

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